Early Childhood Education - Flexible


Continuing Education
Campus: Distance
Program Length: Flexible
Courses are stand alone and may not meet requirements for associated programs. Only courses taken within 5 years may be considered to be applied toward the program certificate.

These stand alone courses count towards an Early Childhood Education diploma if they entered the program after successfully completing them. There is no admission requirement to take any of these courses. Students will not receive credential for completing a stand alone course, however, completed courses can be applied towards the Early Childhood Education diploma.

Admission Requirements:
  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with Grade 12 English (C, U) or equivalent.
  • Or mature student status (an applicant who does not have a high school diploma or equivalent, and will have reached the age of 19 years on or before the start of the program). Mature students can choose to undergo academic testing prior to admission into a program.
  • Call the Admissions Office at 705-235-7222 for more details. Academic prerequisites for this program may be obtained free of charge through Academic Upgrading.

Additional Requirements for Individual Courses

Register and take individual courses without meeting all program admission requirements if you do not plan to achieve the Ontario College Certificate.
  • EC1093 Introduction to Early Childhood Education (42 Hours)
  • Child Care Guidance (42 Hours)
  • DS4063 Health and Nutrition
  • EC1053 School Age Environment
  • EC1103 Observation/Documentation
  • EC4016 Child Care Administration
Note: Check with the institution regarding start/end dates, prices, and delivery method. These may vary according to program, section, and/or semester.


Northern College logo
  • Institution: Northern College
  • Program type: Certificat
  • Language: English
  • Program Code:
  • Delivery Method: Entièrement en ligne/à distance

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