School Age Environment


This course is designed to introduce you to school-age children and their care as part of a child-care and school setting. In addition, this course will provide you with information and techniques to help you work effectively with diverse families and to design and develop age-appropriate activities and learning experiences. Since most ECE students will likely provide care for school-age children through before- and after-school programs, Full Day Early Learning programs in JK/SK Classrooms as well as summer and week-end programs, the focus of this course will be on school-age children’s social, emotional, physical, moral, cognitive and self development. In the end, the intent of this course is to enable you to use your knowledge of school-age children to develop skills to plan, carry-out and evaluate a well rounded school-age program.
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Note: Check with the institution regarding start/end dates, prices, and delivery method. These may vary according to the program, section, and/or semester.


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  • Institution: Northern College
  • Level: College
  • Language: English
  • Course Code: EC1053
  • Delivery Method: Entièrement en ligne/à distance

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