Data Analytics, Big Data, and Predictive Analytics


Power up your data career with a Data Analytics, Big Data, and Predictive Analytics certificate
Today, most business decisions are powered by data, making data science professionals highly in-demand. Want to start working as a data analyst in this lucrative field, or give your data science career a boost? The Chang School offers a Certificate in Data Analytics, Big Data, and Predictive Analytics that will set you up for success in this fast-paced field.
Our data science courses emphasize hands-on experience with data analysis tools and techniques, providing you with practical big-data skills that are directly applicable in the job market – and to a wide range of industries and roles. We also offer a capstone project course, so you can apply your newfound data science training to real-world problems.
You can finish all our data science courses online in as little as two terms. We offer a ton of career support to our learners – something that isn’t commonly found in other data science programs.
Our data science certificate is also recognized by an international, industry-leading association, The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), and meets the requirements for you to become a Certificated Analytics Professional (CAP®), giving our learners the opportunity for data science certification – and a competitive edge in the data analytics, big data, and predictive analytics job market.
Ready to embark on an exciting career in data science? Let’s get started.
Who should take this Data Analytics, Big Data, and Predictive Analytics certificate?
  • You’re a professional looking to build your skill set in technically applied data analysis, machine learning, and predictive analytics, together with data organization and management, to advance in your career or change your career to data analytics
  • You’re a analyst who wants to advance their skills in big data analytics
  • You’re a manager or business leader who works with data, manages data analytics projects or leads teams of data analysts
  • You want a data analyst or data scientist career and wish to gain the hands-on experience in analytics, coding, tools, and statistics needed to prepare and analyze data to make business decisions
Admission Criteria:

  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent
-With 6 Grade 12 U credits (including English, Mathematics (Advanced Functions and one of either Calculus and Vectors or Data Management), and Science (Biology or Chemistry or Physics)) OR M credits with a minimum average of 70 percent or equivalent academic status  OR
  • Mature student status with 4 years of relevant professional experience
-And permission of the academic coordinator
Certificate Requirements:
  • 6 required courses
  • Cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 1.67+
To graduate, you must successfully complete, within your official time span, the requirements from the year you registered in the program.
    Required Courses

    You may only select 1 of CIND 110 or CCPS 270.
    • CCPS 270 Data Access and Management
    • CIND 110 Data Organization for Data Analysts
    • CIND 119 Introduction to Big Data
    • CIND 123 Data Analytics: Basic Methods
    • CIND 820 Big Data Analytics Project
    • CIND 830 Python Programming for Data Science
    • CMTH 642 Data Analytics: Advanced Methods
    What career support is available to you?
    During your certificate, we offer extensive career help, including:
    • Virtual mentor services
    • Alumni networking
    • Synchronous weekly online sessions
    • Educator support
    • Tutoring services
    • Career discussion forums
    Career Options
    This certificate can prepare you for jobs like:
    • Data analyst, including marketing data analyst and financial data analyst
    • Data scientist, including machine learning scientist and AI research scientist
    • Business intelligence analyst, including business intelligence consultant and business intelligence developer
    • Business analyst, including IT business analyst and financial business analyst
    • Predictive analyst including risk analyst and customer insight analyst
    • Data architect, including data warehouse architect and data integration architect
    • Database analyst, including database developer and data administrator
    • Big data analyst, including big data consultant and big data solutions analyst
    • Chief data officer, including head of data governance and director of data strategy
    Note: Check with the institution regarding start/end dates, prices, and delivery method. These may vary according to program, section, and/or semester.


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