Business - Marketing


Credential Earned: College Diploma (2 Year)
Campus: Timmins, Distance
Program Length: 4 Semesters

Program Codes

B007-PC (Timmins Campus)
B208- CK (Contact North)
Become a master of the global market
With its focus squarely on digital communication and e-commerce, Northern’s Marketing program will prepare you for a career on the front lines of a rapidly-evolving business landscape.
Year One focuses on Business Fundamentals. And then you’ll be immersed in a range of hands-on courses where you’ll learn to leverage online resources to market and sell everything from cutting-edge ideas to everyday goods and services.
Why do consumers choose one brand over another? How do you broker and close a professional sale? And what does it take to survive as an entrepreneur?
You’ll find out – all while polishing your networking and negotiation skills, simulating a multinational product launch, and working with real clients to create a comprehensive social media marketing plan.
General Admission Requirements
  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
  • Grade 12 English (C, U)
  • Grade 11 Math (C, U)
  • Or equivalent
Additional Information

Fall Intake – Apply to this program on OCAS. When studies commence, you are automatically registered in the first year Business Fundamentals which is a common first year business program for Northern College’s two-year business programs in Accounting, Human Resources Management, Marketing, Global Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology, and Business General studies.
January Intake – Apply directly to the January intake program codes for the common first year Business Fundamentals program and upon completing this first year, you can register for the fall into the second year of the two-year business program of your choice.
Semester 1:
AC1034 Introduction to Financial Accounting
BU1103 Introduction to Human Resources
BU1363 Introduction to Business Concepts
MA1024 Business Math I
MR1073 Introduction to Marketing
IN1173 Computer Applications for Business I
CM1903 Communications I – Model A
Semester 2:
AC2034 Financial Accounting II
BU3113 Organizational Behaviour
BU4033 Microeconomics
CM2903 Communications II – Model A
MA2024 Business Math II
MR2003 Marketing II
General Education Elective
Semester 3:
AC3044 Managerial Accounting
BU3044 Operations Management
BU3103 Macroeconomics
MR3023 Consumer Behaviour
MR3033 Marketing Research
MR3063 Professional Selling
General Education Elective
Semester 4:
BU4003 Business Law
BU4073 Entrepreneurship
BU4103 Professional Development
MR4003 Integrated Marketing Communications
MR4013 International Marketing
MR4023 Social & Internet Marketing
General Education Elective
Note: Check with the institution regarding start/end dates, prices, and delivery method. These may vary according to program, section, and/or semester.

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Northern College logo
  • Institution: Northern College
  • Program type: Diplôme
  • Language: English
  • Program Code: B208
  • Delivery Method: Entièrement en ligne/à distance

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