Personal Automobile Insurance


Automobile Insurance— is a detailed study of automobile insurance in Canada. The course covers legislation related to automobile insurance and policies and regulations, concentrating mostly on personal coverages. Insurance professionals taking Automobile Insurance will get an overview of the different provincial approaches to automobile insurance and some of the problems related to it. You will deal in detail with Owner’s Policies or coverages specific to your own province. Automobile Insurance is one of the building blocks of your CIP Program . A full day field trip is spent at a local brokerage where students will experience hands on training and exposure to the daily life of a brokerage.
Note: Check with the institution regarding start/end dates, prices, and delivery method. These may vary according to program, section, and/or semester.  


Conestoga College logo
  • Institution: Conestoga College
  • Level: College
  • Language: English
  • Course Code: INS1020
  • Delivery Method: Entièrement en ligne/à distance

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